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Victoria’s enhanced Heat Pump and solar rebate schemes: what you need to know

Ben M on
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a move to further promote sustainable living and reduce energy bills, the Victorian government plans to make a significant change to its solar rebate program. This is welcome news for both homeowners and renters, aiming to make the benefits of energy-efficient appliances more widely accessible. Here are the key takeaways for those who can take advantage of the Victorian solar rebate for heat pumps and batteries:

1. The Solar Rebate Isn’t Just Solar

Despite the program’s name, this rebate is not just for solar panels. The rebate is also available for both hot water heat pump systems and solar batteries.

2. Increased Income Eligibility Cap

Previously, the rebate scheme’s income eligibility cap was $180,000 per annum. The latest adjustment will allow households with a combined income of up to $210,000 to access the rebate. This expansion means thousands of additional Victorian homes will have access to cheaper solar panels, heat pumps, and solar batteries.

3. Benefits for Homeowners and Renters

Both homeowners and renters can take advantage of this adjusted income threshold. This change is expected to enable an additional 10,000 homes to access Victoria’s $1400 solar panel rebate. Switching to energy-efficient appliances is not just beneficial for the environment, but it also translates to tangible savings. Households making the switch can anticipate savings of up to $1200 on their annual power bills, as reported by the state government.

4. Future Plans

There’s more on the horizon. The Victorian government plans to soon update its gas substitution roadmap. The anticipated revisions are expected to offer increased incentives for households to adopt electric appliances and promote energy efficiency.

Victoria’s move to make solar panels and energy-efficient systems like heat pumps more accessible is a step in the right direction for sustainability and affordable living. At Emerald, we applaud this initiative and are always here to help you understand and navigate these rebate opportunities.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the Victorian solar rebate for heat pumps and batteries to help with the installation of an Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump system, fill in your details on the form below, and our trusted installation partners will get back to you with all the answers you need!